Chris Friend

Listening & Learning
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Teacher, speaker, and podcaster specializing in simplifying and humanizing technology.

From curriculum planning through digital delivery, I’ll connect your brand, content, and people through coordinated design of training programs, tailored to your audiences.

Curriculum Development

From program-level planning through course alignment and integration, I create cohesive educational experiences that are practical, targeted, and consistent. For example, I designed and branded a three-course writing sequence integrating two disparate sets of national standards (NCTE & CWPA), two sets of institutional standards, and fluid departmental expectations.

Professional Training

In business environments, I bring focus and consistency to the design and implementation of training programs, emphasizing practicality and understanding. For instance, I designed a three-course business-writing sequence tailored to government employees by adapting to organizational precedent, incorporating disciplinary best practices, and enhancing document cohesion.

Hybrid Learning Design

I apply best practices in digital education while maintaining a focus on human connection. My decades of physical and virtual classroom experience, plus my work facilitating conversation on Hybrid Pedagogy, make me a deliberative, conscientious educator concerned more with people than with content. I discuss this further in my book, Hybrid Teaching, available through booksellers or on Hybrid Pedagogy.

Digital Publishing

Beyond designing classroom training materials using productivity software, I used XeTeX to typeset Hybrid Teaching for print and ebook delivery, manage a WordPress multisite for class blogs and MOOCs, maintain the digital scholarly journal Hybrid Pedagogy on Ghost, and host Teacher of the Ear podcast on

My Occasional Blog Updates

Humane Education: Empathy in Policies, Places, and Platforms

Learn how empathy can redefine the spaces we occupy, the policies we employ, and the platforms we use. Introducing: Humane Technology.
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A bandanna-wearing dog tilts its head, awaiting responses to its curiosity

Humane Q&A: Responses to ALT-C Keynote

My keynote about Humane Education at the ALT Conference 2024 generated a number of questions in the Q&A forum that I did not get to address while on-stage. Below, I present the responses those questions prompted. Do you have any favourite tools to use while teaching? Movable desks. We often forget that analogue, physical tools...
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What else might we do here besides open that door?

#CritPrax Letter of Hopes & Intentions

Our #CritPrax DHSI course begins tomorrow! What are your expectations for the week? Here are my intentions for the time we share together.
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A dog waits patiently in the driver's seat of a car. Clearly skilled in diplomacy, this good pup waits patiently to make a strategic difference.

Staying in Our Lane: WAC as Rhet/Comp Diplomacy

Writing scholars can strengthen their credibility by serving as instructional consultants. Learn how WAC diplomacy benefits all faculty.
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