Instructional Design Portfolio

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By Any Other Name…

Though I have never explicitly been labeled an Instructional Designer, I have done similar work in different contexts. Through my years working with courses in a variety of modalities, I’ve designed a number of diverse learning experiences and instructional tools. The examples below reflect my student-centered approach and demonstrate my adaptability. Taken together, they show my instructional-design skills in the absence of experience under the familiar job title.


A looming deadline and a novel technical process spelled disaster for this online class. The solution? A quick screencast to get everyone past the hurdle.

Student-Designed MOOC

At the 2018 Digital Humanities Summer Institute, my course, Critical Pedagogy and Digital Praxis in the Humanities, built a MOOC about activism.
white hand holding fanned-out collection of DigiDeks playing cards

Augmented-Reality Game

For DPL 2018 in Fredericksburg, Virginia, I designed an augmented-reality card game to encourage interaction and exploration from participants.

Themed Branding

I designed the logo and aesthetic for the gay-straight alliance at my Benedictine Catholic school, applying consistent branding across multiple media.

Unified Document Design

I redesigned course materials for professionalism, coordinating slides and handouts, clarifying content & organization, standardizing presentation.

High-Impact Student Resources

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I integrated language, literature, and reading texts, plus films and other high-interest materials, into attention-grabbing organizational print resources.

Three-Course Curriculum Sequence

I created a three-course first-year writing curriculum sequence that integrates national standards, institutional mandates, and student needs.