
Text and Print
Stylized lettering adding visual distinctiveness to an outdoor wall
Writing requires visual literacies, which too often go unacknowledged. Students need to learn about readability and effective document design.
A collection of colorful, art-covered dumpsters and trash bins. They are the medium; what message to they convey?
McLuhan claimed that β€œthe medium is the message.” This post explores how rhetoric influences mediums much like it applies to the messages they carry.
In my Intro to Research classes, I wanted to find a way to make student work mean more than just a paper on a desk β€” I wanted them to try publishing.
Where do portfolios fit in the composition curriculum? On supporting planks, or in the space between where life can flourish?
Composition students should create digital portfolios using digital features (hyperlinking, embedding) of familiar tools (word processors).