
Knitting needles and pink yarn. Looks like the start of something fun!
Can we expect our students to use our tools, especially when they involve third parties, outside products, or accounts with questionable privacy practices?
If we could juuuuust fit into those grooves, everything would be fine…right?
I turn to massive open online courses — MOOCs — for some inspiration to reform our on-ground classes and resist the mechanization of our students.
Bead of dew hangs from a single blade of grass. I wonder how long it will stay there.
I want to make sure each students' assignments are designed with re-consumption in mind. In other words, I want my classroom to go green.
person stares at confusing sign showing counter-clockwise arrow inside the circle of a larger clockwise arrow. No, I don't have any idea either.
I had never before seen a conference session so acutely aware of the needs of differences than one chaired by Margaret Price. It blew me away, but subtly.
plush Cookie Monster lying on its back, apparently dead, cookie with one bite taken out left at tip of outstretched hand
Students should learn the functions of language, the interconnectedness of ideas, and the nature of technology as a tool — all with only a word processor.
A Storm Trooper prepares for an invasive diagnostic procedure. This might hurt a bit.
Schools must clarify the types of course delivery, differences between humanities and sciences, and the balance between scheduling and independence.
the underside of a bold red umbrella
Here’s how rhet/comp faculty at UCF solved the puzzle of arranging a writing-about-writing curriculum in ways that make sense to students and instructors.
A pile of rubble and debris in front of a graffiti-covered wall. But a tree grows to the left, and the blue sky shows through, so it's not all bad, right?
The networked approaches to teaching & learning essential in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) can benefit small, in-person composition classes, as well.
When a fire hydrant speaks to you, what kind of an accent does it have?
Find some ideas for engaging small groups in discussions during class. These simple strategies empower independent thinking and student conversations.
The sunset will tell us which way to go
Because grading & returning essays, more than anything else in my classes, reinforces the traditional authoritative hierarchy, I want to break that cycle.
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