
Miniature people moving about around the façade of an old stone building. What significance does the building now hold?
This global pandemic changes the way we work, socialize, teach, and take action. In response, our classes must prioritize social good over individuation.
A chameleon—or is it a student?—asks how it might help us.
College freshmen search for ways they can belong. Our FYC courses should help them find groups and fit in.
compass etched into stone
We often expect students to sit in discomfort as they learn. How can educators use their own discomfort as opportunities for resistance?
bright-blue water shimmers and ripples as drops splash back up
We make classes about our interests & hope students take them because they care. How much more would students engage with courses about their interests?
Grad students applying for jobs — and their graduate programs — must know themselves, their expectations, and their audiences for the job market to work.
Requirements to submit work to Turnitin are built on a misunderstanding of “originality” in academia. Students must feel trusted & respected, not suspect.
Teaching the rhetorical gesture of hyperlinks, suggesting an intervention to develop students' skills using existing, familiar tools and technologies.
Many writing assignments expect all submitted work to be identical. I want my students’ work to be delicious, and I want to savor each morsel of what I see.
This semester, I’m going to work on letting go — letting my students solve the problems of class, rather than trying to direct every effort.
I’m trying to see what makes the first-year writing courses at my institution break, how far they bend before they do, and what gives way first.
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