
Two for tea? Make it five. Identical. People. Pinkies up, everyone!
While preparing for exams, I realized the way I have been studying and taking notes the entire time had been completely, horribly, disastrously wrong.
If we could juuuuust fit into those grooves, everything would be fine…right?
I turn to massive open online courses — MOOCs — for some inspiration to reform our on-ground classes and resist the mechanization of our students.
I wonder what's behind Door Number One
I sincerely hope I never have my laptop stolen. But if I do, I know I have automatic, redundant, off-site, encrypted, recoverable backups. Do you?
plush Cookie Monster lying on its back, apparently dead, cookie with one bite taken out left at tip of outstretched hand
Students should learn the functions of language, the interconnectedness of ideas, and the nature of technology as a tool — all with only a word processor.
Photoshopped image of a Canon lens grafted into an eye. Creepy, but arguably helpful for this photographer.
By paying attention to our interactions with technology, we bring awareness to our process and our thinking. Ubiquitous technology makes this an imperative.
How many times do you need to sharpen a pencil before you get the perfect point?
Math and English classes manifest the process/product dichotomy. What is more important: the thinking students do or the work they create?
Where do portfolios fit in the composition curriculum? On supporting planks, or in the space between where life can flourish?
Composition students should create digital portfolios using digital features (hyperlinking, embedding) of familiar tools (word processors).
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