
Chris Friend
What else might we do here besides open that door?
Our #CritPrax DHSI course begins tomorrow! What are your expectations for the week? Here are my intentions for the time we share together.
A dog waits patiently in the driver's seat of a car. Clearly skilled in diplomacy, this good pup waits patiently to make a strategic difference.
Writing scholars can strengthen their credibility by serving as instructional consultants. Learn how WAC diplomacy benefits all faculty.
Two long-haired brown dogs relaxing on the sand. They share strong connections, evident through playfulness and an absence of personal space.
Teaching people, not content or tools, builds lasting connections and aligns values. Can the human element save the humanities?
A soft, fluffy, mottled-coat dog with adorable floppy ears rests its chin on a laptop, staring up at the screen, forlorn. The dog is right: Writing *is* hard. This good dog needs a good WAC program for support. And a treat.
As an aspiring R-2 institution, Kean needs a discipline-driven Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program. Here's how it could work.
An adorable, wrinkly dog rests atop an adorable, pink plush unicorn, being adorable. But can we tell (and respond with empathy to) what the dog feels?
Educators can use empathy to be more in-tune with others and create helpful learning environments. Here’s how empathy can save education.
This broken egg reminds us that failure is often necessary, even in writing. How can we teach students to embrace failure and revision when they've been taught that one draft is sufficient?
Writing affords us the ability to revise our ideas before delivering them. Here’s why writing classes should teach through failure.
A small statue of a shushing finger in front of a face rests on a shelf. In the background, stacks of books. What information do we lose by removing sound from our texts?
The sound of student writing tells us more than the content alone. Reading text aloud brings life to the words.
A chain-link fence has been damaged through forceful impact. Hyperlinks, too, provide shape and surface to texts, and they also have expected patterns to follow.
Teaching students to effectively use digital rhetoric starts with a simple tool: Students need to learn how to make good hyperlinks.
Who has the authority to go past "authorized personnel only" signs? Who gets to say?
We teach children to respect and follow authority without teaching them how to build their own authority. Can we afford to let that continue?
An album's success tells us more about genres and expectations than it says about musical quality
Looking at the 65th Annual Grammy Awards through the lens of genres helps explain why Beyoncé amazed but didn’t win Best Album.
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