
What else might we do here besides open that door?
Our #CritPrax DHSI course begins tomorrow! What are your expectations for the week? Here are my intentions for the time we share together.
Two long-haired brown dogs relaxing on the sand. They share strong connections, evident through playfulness and an absence of personal space.
Teaching people, not content or tools, builds lasting connections and aligns values. Can the human element save the humanities?
A small statue of a shushing finger in front of a face rests on a shelf. In the background, stacks of books. What information do we lose by removing sound from our texts?
The sound of student writing tells us more than the content alone. Reading text aloud brings life to the words.
A chain-link fence has been damaged through forceful impact. Hyperlinks, too, provide shape and surface to texts, and they also have expected patterns to follow.
Teaching students to effectively use digital rhetoric starts with a simple tool: Students need to learn how to make good hyperlinks.
Who has the authority to go past "authorized personnel only" signs? Who gets to say?
We teach children to respect and follow authority without teaching them how to build their own authority. Can we afford to let that continue?
What happens when a robot needs personal space? This one appears cold and isolated.
Writing is a human invention that allows humans to connect and shape ideas. Removing the personal element (esp. with ChatGPT) ruins writing.
What are the functions of a hammer? Does that depend on the nails?
Beyond merely conveying information, writing has many functions, many of which benefit the author, not just the audience. See how it works.
What obstacles stand between students and success on their assignments? What can faculty do to alleviate those obstacles?
Assignments challenge students to find creative solutions to complex problems. Here's why that's good and how to embrace the challenge.
A water lily exudes peace in isolation, yet its participation in the ecosystem is vital.
Participation often terrifies introverted students. But they actually offer three unique contributions to class. Learn how here.
What does creativity look like?
The writing process is never clear-cut, yet we often teach it as though it is. We should teach students to experiment with their own processes.
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